Tuesday, August 29, 2017

To Cleanse with Holy Fire

Covenant forces came roaring into the Fourth Sector in unstoppable numbers in the late 2520's, slowing their advance only when it became apparent more-populated human colonies lay along a different line of advance. After the battle of Jericho VII, large-scale Covenant activity in the Fourth Sector slowed to a trickle as Fleets were shifted to the push on the Inner Colonies.

By 2547, the main Covenant formations were typically smaller raider groups. Most of these answer to the Ministry of Tranquility now that the Covenant's main forces have moved on, and that body grants it's forces substantial leeway in fulfilling the Ministry's mandates. These forces answer to a loose command structure headed by an unusually avaricious Sangheili Shipmaster known as Vata 'Gajatee, effectively a Fleetmaster in all but name.

ONI Section One recon image of the Elite believed to lead the Covenant's raider groups within the UNSC's Fourth Sector. Note unique armor set, believed to denote status
'Gajatee is a reaver, gifted with the ability to sense the tide of battle and know where and when to fight and when to withdraw. These skills have won the Ministry of Tranquility many treasures, and the Minister himself ensures 'Gajatee is well-rewarded with each success. This has given the Shipmaster access to some of the finest resources available to Tranquility.

These forces mostly make use of SDV Heavy Corvettes with a number of older RCS Armored Cruisers, however Vata 'Gajatee has the Minister of Tranquility's ear in many things, granting access to a few larger and more modern vessels.

Though CCS Battlecruisers are rare sights in the Sector, RCS Cruisers and SDV Corvettes are much less so
The Ministry of Tranquility has comparatively few ships larger than a cruiser. The presence of an ORS Heavy Cruiser demonstrates the esteem Vata 'Gajatee is held-in by the Minister of Tranquility

To add to humanity's woes, the Ministry of Fervent Intercession has dispatched their Fleet of Vigilant Abstraction into the region to track down a lead discovered on a Forerunner relic known as the Deep Pinnacle. Fleetmaster Lodor 'Vektramee has reason to believe that their prize lies somewhere near or within the space still controlled by the humans.

The fleet keeps it's nanolaminate plating in a lustrous silver to honor their Forerunner lords
Though unknown in nature, this relic has been associated with the emblems of the Forerunner Builder caste, the Forerunner military, and a symbol of unknown meaning that has appeared elsewhere in texts, thus far vexing the Stewards assigned to decipher such enigmas. Vigilant Abstraction has splintered into several battlegroups to follow-up a series of leads on the Deep Pinnacle, running through a lengthy list of stellar coordinates that were provided by an ancient Luminary, now installed on the Fleet flagship.

Vigilant Abstraction maintains several larger warships, finding them better able to demonstrate the Covenant's piety when tested by still-active Forerunner defenses
Supported ORS Heavy Cruiser

The Fleet of Vigilant Abstraction has entered into a region of space where human forces are known to remain, and thus is well-prepared for combat. What's more, they come with ancient writs of authority in-hand to effectively dragoon other Covenant forces in the region to assist the Fervent Intercession ships in their goals, though these have proven slow to respond.

SDV Corvettes, escorts and surveyors

A Golden Path battlegroup to coordinate fleet activities- invaluable when the fleet disperses to search-out Forerunner relics

Wary of any sign of the dreaded Flood, an order of Zealots is attached to the fleet to provide an effective first-response

As much sanctuary and temple as slipspace-capable warship, the Searing Radiance earned her golden nanoplating after years of campaigns against flare-ups of the parasite

Friday, August 25, 2017

Brave Defenders of Humanity

Rear Admiral Augustine Terrell, head of SECCOM for all UNSC forces in his AO, is responsible for the defense of the remaining worlds of his sector.

Rear Admiral of the UNSC Navy and commander of the Fourth Sector

UNSC forces in the sector fit into two categories: the organic defense groups assigned to individual systems and regions, and expeditionary units assigned to the sector from the UNSC's main forces. Defense ships are easily recognized by the green markings on their hulls, where as expeditionary ships lack these. In addition, the United Nations Colonial Star Guard (UNCSG) maintains numerous smaller vessels and stations in the region, in addition to several frigates and patrol craft to assist the Navy.
The fleet is mostly concentrated around strategic assets and systems, like New Constantinople, Port Zanzibar, and along the Draco Spur. Systems closest to what is considered "Covenant space," former human systems gradually lost over the war, host small squadrons of ships for defense. Many systems can also boast defense stations and numerous planet-based fighter and bomber squadrons for organic defense.
Most of the fleet is of lighter tonnage, with the Paris-class heavy frigate being by far the most common class. The Paris, as the most-powerful of the frigate classes, is employed almost exclusively to leverage against the small numbers of larger vessels available.

UNSC heavy frigates in "Fleet Grey" are a common sight in the region, often in lieu of larger vessels

Destroyers also appear in some numbers, typically around important task forces and locations.

Cruiser hulls are exclusively Marathons, with all lighter cruisers lost to the Covenant in the dark, early years of the war and not replaced. These are the flagships and backbones of the sector's task groups.
The heavy-hitters of the UNSC Navy, Marathons are the Navy's best defense against high-tonnage Covenant vessels that appear in the Sector

Two carriers are currently directly assigned to SECCOM, an Epoch-class heavy carrier and a Cyclops-class light carrier, a rare subclass of the Marathon cruiser hull. Both of these ships, and their escorts, function as fire-brigades of sorts, responding to the most dire threats against the Sector.

The only heavy carrier in the region, she is also the largest ship Reach is currently willing to assign to the area

Sacrificing much of her missile throw-weight and cargo space, the Cyclops sub-class boasts greatly increased hangar capacity and more robust communications and flight control

One of the first deployments of the UNSC's energy field technology, greatly furthered by captured Covenant material. This vessel has energy fields as opposed to bay doors for her fighter recovery decks. An armored bay door still protects the launch tube at fore due to lingering fears of gaussing from the nearby MACs

Additional forces beyond the Navy defend Fourth Sector's space, ranging from special forces to second-line status.

Unbeknownst to the UNSC proper, ONI maintains several highly modified frigates for missions beyond the capabilities of the Prowler Corps

Though currently assisting in the survey of the artifact-rich Zeta Prime system, there is little doubt the CINCONI would deploy these frigates if it served ONI's purposes; even if it meant operating in the open with UNSC forces

As mentioned, the United Nations Colonial Star Guard (UNCSG) is also present in defense of the region. The organization is a holdover of the CMA absorbed by the UNSC during the Insurrection, and is notable for having a dedicated law-enforcement mandate as well as military capability. Several patrol groups of frigates, assigned to the area since before the war began, are engaged in escorting convoys to frontline systems, standing vigil over important orbital and deep space installations, managing Insurrection flare-ups, and protecting against Covenant raiders. This in addition to assisting UEG authorities with refugee management, customs duties, and disaster relief.
Hard to mistake with Navy vessels, UNCSG frigates used to running-down smugglers and Insurrectionists now dodge plasma fire while assisting the UNSC Navy. They are the heaviest assets available to the organization
Of note, FLEETCOM on Reach has begun to view the large facilities available on Port Zanzibar favorably as a base for long-range raiding fleets, the kind typically centered around Orion-class carriers and their support groups. These are unlikely to be on-hand for sector fleet operations, but could still represent powerful reinforcements if the high command decides to proceed...

On a real-world note, very sad news today in that Spartan Games, the producer of my favorite Halo-themed starship combat game, as well as Dystopian Wars and Firestorm Armada, has closed down today very suddenly. Prayers to the owner of the company, who is not in good health according to the Facebook community. Hopefully, another company picks up where Spartan leaves off...

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Path of Radiance

I did it. I finally got myself a lightbox with which to take pictures! No longer must I feel shame towards my abysmal photo-fu skills! It can only get better from here! Let destiny submit itself to my ambition!

Well, maybe not. The product in question is a purchase from Amazon, a completely self-contained offering from a company called LimoStudio. For less than $44 USD, I consider this a fine purchase. What's more, my wife does her own jewelry-making as a side business of hers, so I got to score some bonus points with showing her how to set it up for her own jewelry pictures. Score! Link here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B005CX9S8A/ref=od_aui_detailpages00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

I wanted to try my new purchase with a few different subjects to test things out. Some Covenant ships to start from Halo: Fleet Battles, in a bright silver color which I hope is evocative of the nanolaminate plating on the CAS Assault Carrier.

Metallics require a bit of finagling. This is with fairly direct diffused lighting...

And this is more subdued lighting. Definitely darker, but doesn't wash out as much detail.
Next, a piece that was shown on my last post. A RCS-class Armored Cruiser, again from Halo, this time in gold.
Any Shipmaster would be proud to captain this cruiser now!
Next, from Star Wars Armada, a few Dramatis Personae of the Rebellion. I wished to see how this set-up could do with smaller objects and multiple colors.
My homeboys Dash Rendar and Han Solo flying with my homegirl Hera Syndulla. I nearly went insane painting these, the Ghost particularly.
Next, a darker piece. From Knight Models Batman Miniatures Game, Batman himself in his animated series incarnation.
Success! Modified the chest emblem. None of that "Red Sky Season" stuff here, please and thank you. 
Lastly, though you couldn't prove it by this blog (so far), I am a massive BattleTech fan, ever since I saw the cartoon as a kid 20 years ago. This piece is from the newest of the Clans, the Stone Lions.
The Mist Lynx B, a fine Light OmniMech designed by the long-gone Smoke Jaguars
Holy damn am I pleased with this product. I feel it is a massive upgrade over anything else I was using before, and for a good price too. Now that I have a feel for how the lighting affects the subject depending on it's positioning, I feel confident to post more pictures moving forward. I have a fair number of Halo ships to show as I gear up for a narrative campaign, so expect those to appear next.